“Make that phone call. The stress just goes.”
Alec and Hazel’s story

Alec and Hazel

Alec started his career as a print apprentice and went onto have an impressive career in the sector, carrying out a wide range of roles. The Printing Charity has been supporting Alec and Hazel for a number of years in a range of ways.

“The charity has supported us so, so much.”

Alec and Hazel learnt about the Printing Charity from a family member who had come into contact with the charity through their work. Alec and Hazel were surprised to hear that there was an occupational charity specifically for people in Alec’s situation. “We thought wow, let’s see what happens,” recalls Hazel, “Since then, the charity has supported us so, so much.”

Both of retirement age, the couple are carers for a family member whose mental wellbeing challenges have contributed to a difficult financial situation made worse by the impact of the cost of living.

“We are constantly at the crunch of being overdrawn,” Hazel explains. “It’s a complete struggle and your help is so desperately needed. It’s been a godsend.”

Make that call for help across life’s challenges.

Hazel says: “We live hand to mouth, without savings anymore. We should be able to manage, but nowadays, it’s impossible. We simply cannot cover unexpected costs. The Printing Charity has been helping us for many years now, in various different ways, including a grant for a washing machine after our previous one broke unexpectedly, and even support when a procedure for our dog was not covered by insurance.”

She makes it clear how important it is for anyone facing hardship to make that phone call to the charity to start a conversation and learn about the help available.

“Just make that phone call. We weren’t in any need in the past, but things change and it’s a lonely place when you can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. Anyone’s life can change on a spin: there are so many people in this position.

“No-one likes to accept charity, but when you take that first step, your shoulders come down into a sensible position and the stress just goes. Through being brave we’ve experienced wonderful kindness which helps so much, and we have realised that there are people out there to help.”

As Hazel says, anyone can find themselves facing unexpected hardship. Please get in touch with us to start the conversation and find out what help is available for you. Call our friendly team on 01293 542 820 or e-mail support@theprintingcharity.org.uk

Get in touch

If you, or someone you know needs support, or you’d like to know more about our free, confidential helpline, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

To find out more give us a call on 01293 542 820
or click the button below.

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