We all know the benefits of exercise and being active in our lives but despite that, we often lack the motivation to get up and do it.
National Cycle to Work Day aims to show just how easily we can fit exercise into our day-to-day schedule. On the 5th August, they are asking us to cycle to work, be more active and boost our overall wellbeing and productivity.
Benefits of cycling
As someone who regularly cycles to work, Mark Roberts, Managing Director of Acorn Web Offset, wouldn’t travel any other way; “Since I started cycling seriously on the road in 2014, I’ve incorporated cycling into my commute to work. I try to cycle to work between two to three times per week come rain or shine. My journey into work is just short of 10 miles and I usually add a bit up on my way home covering between 15-35 miles. It’s certainly helping me reach my target of 5,000 miles on the bike this year. I expect to pass the 4,000 miles mark before the end of July”.
Cycling is a fast way to travel, while being much kinder to the environment. For Mark however, it’s the benefits to his mental health he sees the most; “Not only is this great for the environment and my wallet, it really is a great way to set me up for the day ahead and helps clear my mind after a busy day in the office.”
How to get motivated
So you now know the benefits, but still find it difficult to jump on the saddle. Don’t worry, Mark has some advice to help get the pedals turning. “I find the key is to plan ahead. I take food into work on non-cycling days to reduce the size of my pack when I do cycle, and always keep a set of clothes at work to change into. Don’t use the lack of showers at work as a reason not to cycle as I find a good old fashioned flannel wash with soap and water over the sink is sufficient to ensure you are nice and clean for the day ahead.”
Get involved
Take part in the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event on the 5th August, and join the thousands of people giving cycling a go. There’s even a Love to Ride online community where you can get more advice and share your times. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cycled in years or have never cycled at all, this is just about giving it a go.