Nutshell Creative and Vpress launch hub to support businesses and communities
The Bucks agency has risen to the United Nation’s (UN) open creative brief to help disseminate reliable public health messages about Covid-19. Their easy to use online resource allows businesses and organisations anywhere to access, share, personalise and print official World Health Organisation (WHO) messaging.
“We wanted to do our bit to help communicate reliable facts and advice.”
The ‘Keep calm and communicate’ website offers a variety of professionally designed and official communications that can be used across digital platforms, or printed as floor stickers, posters or direct mail. The templates even allow for firms to incorporate their logos.
“With so much misinformation circulating we wanted to do our bit to help communicate reliable facts and advice about coronavirus. We saw the UN’s open call to creatives and approached Vpress in order to offer a complete web to print and online service,” says Lucy Swanston, managing director of Nutshell Creative Ltd.
“We saw this as a way to give some kind of support at this difficult time”.
“Vpress just wanted to help, to do something to support the amazing work essential staff are doing out there, when Lucy came to us with this great initiative we saw this as a way to give some kind of support at this difficult time”, says Kelvin Bell, Sales Director at Vpress. The downloadable templates include messages on personal hygiene, social distancing, community kindness, symptoms, myths and donations.
“The new hub is really simple to use. Visitors choose which message they want, how they want it reproduced and if they want their logo on it. They then either download the file for online use or place an order for print. Our templates reflect the most up to date WHO guidance,” says Lucy.
“This virus is having a decimating effect on the world. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something and we, in partnership with Vpress, are offering a resource to help guide or remind customers, employees, communities of the steps they can take individually to help at this awful time,” concludes Lucy.
Find the resources at keepcalmandcommunicate.co.uk or contact lucy@nutshellcreative.co.uk