Traditionally, it’s thought that men are less likely to seek help or take control of their wellbeing. As part of Men’s Health Week, we asked some print industry figures about how to change this narrative, and what men can do to improve their wellbeing.
Lance Hill, Managing Director, Eight Days a Week
“The best advice I can give on how to ask for help would be don’t leave it until it’s too late. No one will think less of you for asking for support, advice or help. Go to your close friends or family, they will be more than happy to listen – even if you might think the opposite.
“I try to keep on top of my own wellbeing by maintaining a balance, keeping the mental vitamins in good shape with plenty of family interactions outside of work, exercise and open space, hobbies and interests. For me, one of the biggest is good humour with my close friends or work colleagues, that never fails to lift my spirits!”
Jamie Hubble, HR Administrator, Paragon Customer Communications
“I have had 18 years of support from counsellors and psychiatrists due to a mental health condition (Intrusive Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) The hardest part was the initial talk with my GP. It is scary and it can feel embarrassing but it’s worth it.
“There are a number of things that I personally do to keep on top of my own health. I might chat to my wife and go for short walks or a drive, just to get out and about. I use the Calm app for relaxing sounds and also like to play story based video games.”
Matt Boam, Director, Print4 Ltd
“I think for men, traditional expectations have been handed down, generation after generation, detailing how a man ‘should’ behave and a couple of them are “be strong” and keep feelings “locked” away, but there is help out there.
It’s easier than ever to reach out and talk, in a variety of professional settings or personal ones, taking the easier route and bottling up feelings and emotions just keeps you on the treadmill, the feeling of groundhog day, but that first day you reach out for support will get you back on the ladder and give you the strength to climb right to the top.
People spend 33% of their time at work, so it’s good to see if your company has any form of support or are part of any schemes, but never forget a quick click of the mouse will give you an abundance of information and numbers.
Personally, to keep on top of my own wellbeing, it’s all about keeping active, eating well, watching the booze intake, doing something you’re good at, taking time out, but most importantly giving back.”
Matt Dass, Managing Director – Innovation, Springfield Solutions
“Recognising and admitting you need help is the hardest step. When you are brave enough to take the first step, help is on hand in many guises; family, friends, the Printing Charity Helpline, health professionals, will all help.
Spending time with family and friends is always a great way to lift my spirits. Make time in your week to talk properly to them, put it in your diary! A healthy mind is a healthy person and your work life will benefit.
I set myself personal goals mainly related to exercise. I know if I challenge myself in the morning, everything else during the day won’t be as hard and I will be able to tackle any issues head on.”
If your organisation is in the wider print industry, our free helpline offers 24/7 access to BACP accredited counsellors to help with in the moment emotional support. Contact us today to find out more about the service and how to register.