Remote Working

Remote Working

For a lot of people, work has completely changed in the last few months. Offices are closed and working from home is the new normal. It can be difficult to adjust to something unfamiliar and adapt appropriately to suit your working style.


Here are some top tips from The Printing Charity team to help you get the most out of working from home.

  • Routine is king. Try to get up, start work, and finish work at the same time as you usually would daily. Do all of the activities you’d normally do in the morning, e.g. getting dressed and having breakfast, as this will help you to maintain a sense of routine.
  • Make sure to have a suitable place you can designate as your workspace. It might be tempting to stay in your pyjamas and work from your bed but you should aim to keep work and sleep spaces distinct.
  • Taking regular breaks away from your screen is very important. Make sure to have a proper lunch break away from your work area. Chances are you’ll have been sitting down all day so if you can, try and get outside for some daylight and fresh air.
  • Finish work at an appropriate time. At the end of the day, shut your computer down and pack away your work things, leaving your work area.
  • It’s important to keep connected even when we can’t physically see one another, so be sure to check in with your colleagues regularly. Schedule a wellbeing check-in with your team to see what everyone is up to. Video calls are a great way to see everyone virtually!
  • You may be feeling more isolated or anxious about work so reach out for support if you need to talk to someone. Speak with a colleague you feel comfortable to talk to. Alternatively, your workplace might have an Employee Assistance Programme you can contact.  

Try not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t have the best working day. We all have better days than others. Just remember, you aren’t alone as we are all navigating our way through this change.


  • There’s a handy video from Mental Health England with guidance on ways to support your mental health while working from home.
  • The NHS have 7 simple tips on tackling working at home.
  • Check out the Mental Health at Work toolkit which has plenty of practical information on workplace wellbeing
  • Mental Health Foundation give more advice on the subject on their website.

Get in touch

If you, or someone you know needs support, or you’d like to know more about our free, confidential helpline, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

To find out more give us a call on 01293 542 820
or click the button below.

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