Rising star, Liorah Tchiprout

etching, painting, art

Every year, through our Print Futures Awards, we give talented young people grants of up to £1500 to go towards their career development. This year we had 44 very deserving winners with promising careers in the print, publishing, paper, packaging and graphic arts sectors. 

Liorah Tchiprout was a winner in the Visual Delights category this year and we spoke to her about her creative work as an artist. Liorah studied Fine Art Printmaking at University of Brighton, graduating in 2016, with a semester spent at Bezalel School of Art and Design, Jerusalem. In 2020 she graduated with an MA in Printmaking from Camberwell College of Art, London. 

Her work is concerned with belonging, girlhood and the theatrical. Informed by Jewish folklore and the canon of art history, Liorah has an interest in the contemporary relevance of drawing and play. She builds puppet characters to construct her own pantheon from which to draw images. With a background in Etching, both in her own work and as a printer, Liorah’s Award will allow her to learn stone Lithography under master printer Catherine Ade at her new studio Lemondade Press in Bristol. This will allow her to use this process to realise drawings in a new and exciting context, and to develop these skills further.

In lockdown, Liorah has been working on drawings and paintings for #artistsupportpledge and has recently been able to get back into the studio where she creates her work, Artichoke Print Workshop in Brixton. You can hear Liorah talking a bit more about her work on Art on a Postcards ‘Art on a Podcast’

The 2020 Print Futures Awards are now closed. You can see all of our winners here and find out about the 2021 awards by signing up to our newsletter.

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