VMC teams up with world’s biggest trade fair for print

Creative Digital Industries are delighted to announce a new collaboration for the Visual Media Conference 2018, having gained the support of drupa, the world’s biggest trade fair for printing technologies.

The association, an exciting combination of two leading exponents in the field of communications, reflects the Visual Media Conference’s growing popularity since its beginnings in 2014, where the Leeds based event now attracts both national and international attendance by those in the creative, digital, print and packaging industries.

Drupa, which attracted over 260,000 visitors from 188 countries at its latest exhibition in 2016 and proved once again that no other event in the industry has a stronger international attraction and radiance, will be sponsoring the 2018 Visual Media Conference in the run up to its next big event in Düsseldorf, to be held on 16-26 June 2020.

With its clearly defined structure, drupa, the no. 1 for printing technologies, offers a contrasting yet complementary experience to the VMC, where visitors come from a wide cross section of industries ranging from print and packaging to vertical markets such as consumer and luxury goods to view the innovative and cutting edge printing technology exhibitions.

The VMC, which prides itself on world class speakers from top brands, has built its reputation on the ‘long’ version of the marketing and communication supply chain from brand owner to consumer, and has a growing audience of designers, digital and advertising agencies as well as the brand influencers whose budgets decide what the supply chain will be paid to deliver.

Both events aim to showcase the very best and latest technologies and techniques so that businesses can investigate, test and offer in order to stay in the lead.

The VMC, due to be held at the Leeds Rose Bowl on 27 March 2018, is looking forward to drupa’s participation and support.

For more information on drupa 2020, visit www.drupa.com or contact Paul Evans at paul@itsluk.com .To view the details for VMC 2018, visit www.visualmediaconference.com

For further information please contact Meeka Walwyn-Lewis, CDi Manager at meeka.walwyn-lewis@bpif.org.uk

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