On 30 January, version three of the newly titled BPIF Colour Quality Management Certification Scheme is being launched at the St Bride Foundation in London. The new scheme has been simplified to enable more companies to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in colour management. The launch results from feedback from all interested parties since the first publishing in 2010 of the ISO 12647 Colour Management Certification Scheme.
The scheme now takes ISO 9001 and adds requirements specific to Pre-Press and printing processes, as well as the colour values and tolerances defined in the ISO 12647 series of standards, or any other accepted standards. As a result, the certified scheme can now be applied to any printing production method and process, including outsourced printing, pre-press and proofing.
There are now two levels to the scheme “Professional” and “Elite” which are intended to provide a stepping stone approach to achieving full certification. Both levels are regulated and audited by UKAS accredited certified auditors and are the only colour management schemes to be so.
“Professional” certification is only open to printers, and is designed to demonstrate the capability of the printer to comply with a defined standard. Attaining the “Professional” level demonstrates that a company has met the minimum requirements of the scheme and that they are capable of printing in compliance with the relevant standard.
“Elite” certification is open to any organisation provided print services, including printers, print managers, design agencies, repro houses etc. and is designed to demonstrate the capability of the organisation to comply with a defined standard in order to achieve consistent quality in production, and to achieve continual improvement.
BPIF Specialist Services director Chris Selby comments: “The independence of the BPIF scheme and the UKAS accreditation of certification are the key factors in why this scheme is ‘the scheme of choice’ for all serious colour critical organisations. We have put in place a full support package to help organisations manage their colour better from a simple Colour Gap Analysis, which defines the current standing of an organisation with regards to their colour management, through to comprehensive bespoke packages of support designed to enable an organisation to achieve full ISO 12647 certification.”
For more information, please contact Chris Selby at chris.selby@bpif.org.uk