“It’s essential for companies in the industry to remain proactive in addressing mental health concerns and to foster a culture of empathy and support.”

Jane Rixon

We are delighted that HP worked with us as sponsor of the Printing Charity’s 194th Annual Luncheon in November.

In advance of the event, we spoke to Jane Rixon, HP’s UKI Large Format Production Business Development Manager, to find out more about HP’s goals for employee mental wellbeing support, and how the organisation hopes to work alongside the Printing Charity to make mental wellbeing support available for more organisations in our industry sectors overall.

Please explain how you currently work with the Printing Charity, and what are your goals for this?

We only started working directly with the Printing Charity a few months ago. The first time we heard about the Printing Charity and the support they give to print companies we thought it was too good to be true but soon we learned about all the different initiatives and care the charity is offering to people in the print sector, and we were just blown away by the levels of support.

Our main goal for working with and supporting the Printing Charity is to raise awareness of the organisation in front of other people in our sector who may need help to navigate through life’s challenges. Many might not realise that the Printing Charity’s support exists, so we would like to help broaden the charity’s network to therefore support many more people.

Furthermore, we believe it’s very important for employers to look after the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. The Printing Charity’s support helps print business staff navigate through life’s challenges, so finding out about the charity can only be a win-win for these businesses.

Please tell me a little about why HP strongly supports the drive for universal mental wellbeing support in our industry.

In the tech world, HP stands out from the crowd. A company that isn’t just making promises our children need us to keep, but one that has been keeping them all along. At HP, responsible technology is not a paradox. It’s our purpose.

It’s something our founders, Bill and Dave, infused into the DNA of HP almost a century ago. They cared about innovation and integrity in equal measure, making this dualism a guiding principle in our company’s history and one of our core beliefs.

It’s why we at HP aspire to become the most sustainable and just technology company in the world. It’s also why the work to get us there is a fundamental element in our business strategy. We know that making a profit without considering its impact on humanity and the environment isn’t worth the price.

HP Go Beyond’, the manifestation of our Sustainable Impact strategy, acknowledges this reality and then flips it on its head by orchestrating the opposite. It ensures that one good action morphs into many. That the only chain reaction we start is one of positive impact. ‘Go Beyond’ focuses its efforts on the point where climate action, human rights, and digital equity intersect—people. This makes sense since people are at the heart of our business. Employees, customers, partners, shareholders.

How do you feel the industry’s approach to mental wellbeing has evolved over the last few years, and how it’s currently evolving? What do you feel has changed and is changing?

I believe the print industry, like many other sectors, has increasingly recognised the importance of mental wellbeing among its employees in recent years. There have been several notable changes and trends.

The industry is continually evolving in its approach to mental wellbeing, and the ongoing shift towards a more compassionate and supportive work environment is promising.

However, challenges remain, such as addressing the mental health impact of job-related stress, long hours, and pressure to meet deadlines. Moreover, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated some of these changes while creating new challenges, such as isolation and remote work-related stress.

As mental health awareness continues to grow globally, the print industry will likely continue to adapt and refine its approach to promoting mental wellbeing among its workforce. It’s essential for companies in the industry to remain proactive in addressing mental health concerns and to foster a culture of empathy and support.

Why do you feel it’s important to spread the word about the Printing Charity services within the industry?

As I mentioned before, when you first hear about the Printing Charity’s services you believe it’s too good to be true. We believe it’s crucial that information about the charity’s work is spread broadly so more organisations within our industry can make use of it.

There is also a huge effort on our side to shine a spotlight on the potential of a career in the print industry itself. We have a need for young employees within our industry and they might not even be aware of the potential for a career within it.  We see bringing new talent into the industry as imperative, and part of this is ensuring that this talent is taken care of through the best support to build a thriving career. The Printing Charity’s Rising Star Awards have the same aim, so this is another charity resource we’re keen to raise awareness of amongst emerging industry talent, to help them shine in their careers.

What are your hopes for the future of mental wellbeing in your organisation and even in our industry overall?

We hope that awareness around mental wellbeing will grow within our industry and hopefully that the stigma around mental health issues will continue to diminish. This would create an environment where people feel comfortable seeking help and support when they need it, without fear of discrimination or judgment. We hope that the future will bring a shift towards proactive support for mental wellbeing. Companies and our industry overall should aim to create environments where employees are equipped with tools and resources to maintain good mental health, rather than just responding reactively to issues. Again, this is something that the Printing Charity is well-resourced to support.

A final word…

Ultimately, the hope is for a cultural shift where mental wellbeing is considered as important as physical health. Mental wellbeing should be woven into the fabric of organisational and industry culture, emphasising the importance of taking care of one’s mental health as a shared responsibility.   The Printing Charity plays a fundamental role in making this a reality.

HP were a proud sponsor of the Printing Charity’s 2023 Annual Luncheon. Read more about this in the news release here.


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